Friday, February 22, 2013

Let's Celebrate Men!

Today is Man’s Day, or is it Men’s Day?  Grammatically I’m not sure, my impulse is it call it Men’s Day based on the fact that on March 8th it’s called Women’s Day.  Overall, I guess it doesn’t really matter, it’s a day to celebrate men just because they are men.  The sarcastic and cynical part of me wants to question why we should celebrate someone because they a special body part.  “I have two arms!  Let’s party!”  The gentler side of me has to explain to my inner bitch that this was a day to honor the Soviet Army.  So now that the Soviet Army is gone and everyone is thoroughly disgusted with their country and government people decided to change this day to Men’s Day.  And let’s face it, when have people really ever argued against having a holiday?

Having a holiday called Men’s Day may seem sexist and old-fashioned but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I think it may actually be a good idea.  After all, women always complain that men don’t appreciate them enough, but when was the last time women really took the time to appreciate the men in their lives?  This could be their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, cousins or even best friends.  As a man, you are expected to know a variety of things even if you don’t.  For example, how to repair a computer.  Most IT techs are men.  Heaven forbid you have a problem with your computer, but if you do, the first solution to come to mind is a guy to come and fix it.  If you have car trouble, who do you call?  A man of course.  What if there’s a big scary insect crawling around in your bathtub?  Or if you need help opening a jar of pickles?

The burden of this holiday is that shopping for men is not easy.  Most women are easy because as a man you are allowed or even expected to buy and present thoughtless flowers purchased from a street vendor with less than appealing oral hygiene.  Or some overpriced chocolate along with a tacky stuffed animal from China.  So ladies, are we expected to find and give such gifts?  No.  Of course not.  Men like toys of the electronic variety such as MP5 players that allow you to surf the net, take pictures and give you a massage.  What else?  Razors are an easy reliable present.  But then again, how many electric razors does a guy need?  Ties?  The American part of me shouts ‘golf balls!’ and then I tell myself to stop watching American movies because in this country golf doesn’t exist. 

There’s always the not-so-easy task of making a homemade dinner.  Something special.  I brought up this idea to my class of female students the other day when we were discussing this holiday and they were also thinking of ‘making something special’ because they weren’t quite sure what else to do.  A few were going to take their mates out for beer or buy tickets to the movies.  Aside from the fact that I cook almost every day, this requires me to really, really think outside the box.  I wholeheartedly accept this challenge because I love cooking.  Now I have to question my motive for preparing something so time consuming, is it for the guy in my life or really for me?

Was the creation of this holiday really just a ploy to get women to cook more for their men?    

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